4 Critical Trends to Help CEOs/Founders Grow Their Brand Authority, Revenue, and Impact Today

Being in the business growth #advisory and coaching industry, I try to stay abreast of critical trends I see to help service-based CEOs/founders grow their brand authority, revenue, and impact.

I wanted to share a few important themes that are more important than ever now—especially as the pandemic continues to impress us with its wrath.

✔️Serve the ideal client of “today”, not from a year ago. Companies who are thriving took the time to understand their ideal client more than ever before, so if pivots needed to occur due to the circumstance at hand— they have done the work upfront and are going on strong.

✔️ Become much more targeted and strategic in #client acquisition strategies. As they realized cash flow impacts over the year, the smarter they are with whom they go after and how they go after them—the higher the opportunity to close a client.

✔️Enhanced their unique value proposition so they can be known for the transformation that they can provide uniquely into the market and their ideal client—which makes their pitch that much more relevant.

✔️They have double-downed in smart strategic relationships. They realized that mutually beneficial relationships are critical in driving revenue.

Would love to hear which one of these resonated most with you or if you have others to add in! Be sure to comment below!

Seema Alexander